I cannot begin to fill the gap I have left not posting in my blog for over two months as so much has been going on with shows and kindles and rabbit clubs and stuff in my life outside of rabbits...I actually still have one of those! My Silver Fox breeder friends are trying to form an official Silver Fox regional club and have specialty shows of our own twice a year. This required people to volunteer for officer and director positions, writing by-laws, and sending in an application to the ARBA. Just to make it more interesting, it was suggested that we do all that by April 1st if we want to have our first specialty show in autumn. We are down to that soft deadline being a week away and so much else is going on that I am skeptical about making it. I also began helping the National Silver Fox Rabbit Club (NSFRC) with entering show reports so that our sweepstakes points could be calculated. They had not entered any since the start of the season, July 1st. That is what has keep be...