Three rabbit breeders talked me into showing and since then my life has completely changed. Throughout the year, I have bought seven SFs, three bucks and four does. I attended five shows, which included my very first rabbit show ever! Three in Georgia, one in Alabama, and one in South Carolina. Three were triples and two were doubles. My sweet Tale of Tails Ciara did the poorest at the shows, yet was in all five. She did snag one 1st/3 at WGRC 10/6/18 as an Int and has earned total of 124 points. She has been a trooper in helping us make numbers and she is a sweetheart. GC Miss Maggie's Leon is a five-year-old (retired to brood) buck, whom I never planned to show because he is obviously not in his prime and I did not want to stress him. However, to help us make numbers, I did take him to two shows. He surprised me by taking 1st/6 at SPRC 12/1/18 and in those two shows he earned 64 display points with 86.5 specialty points. It is hard to say which of my rabbits did ...