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2018-2024 on the Record

Thanking my Lord and my husband! God has blessed us with some of His remarkable Silver Fox rabbits. It still amazes me when I look at the records of our rabbits' accomplishments on the show tables. I try to be a good steward so His blessing pours out through the breed and I thank all the breeders who contributed to help me develop my lines. This is my praise report to show what God has done for us and also a tribute to my husband who talked me into raising rabbits for meat in 2010 and supports my showing habit even though he cannot travel with me to all the shows.  Past Grand Champions   GC Tale of Tails Izshar - 3 legs GC Tale of Tails Tesha - 3 legs GC Funck's Tiara - 4 legs GC High Rock's Luna - 4 legs GC Miss Maggie's Avery - 4 legs GC Miss Maggie's Leon - 4 legs GC Tale of Tails Inola - 4 legs GC Tale of Tails Kieran - 4 legs GC High Rock's Starry Knight - 7 legs GC Tale of Tails Jaleesa - 8 legs GC Carrot Garden's Astro Man - 16 legs / 1 RIS GC Funck&#

Glory and Joy

I have been attending several shows in the past few months where I am the only Silver Fox exhibitor. I used to take a pass on shows not having at least two other exhibitors but we have a few new clubs in the southeast and I wanted to support them as well as be dedicated to provide a Silver Fox presence at every show I can. However, to my surprise, I found it personally beneficial far more than I had anticipated. Granted that the title wins are guaranteed so, of course, I won BOB and BOS in every one of those only-me shows, but I found I could concentrate on the comparisons between my own rabbits against each other in their classes, particularly siblings and have more open conversations with the judges. I have two does that have been very special to me because they were produced from a joint breeding and their sire is Waldrop Acres Ashur, who is now a Grand Champion! I thank Karen Waldrop for the opportunity to produce these two does! Although I was hoping for a buck from the pairing, b

Combined Breeding Takes RIS

Some months ago, I was offered a breeding with Waldrop Acres Rabbitry Ashur, half-brother on the dam's side to Karen Waldrop's 2023 National Silver Fox Show winner. My Atarah is getting to that age when her kindles would tend to be smaller, but I chose her because she has a record of producing good buns with different bucks. Out of the breeding, I got two does.  This past weekend was their first show and I thought they were still a bit too undeveloped, so I was mostly hoping for comments and for them to get some show experience. The judges for this two-day show varied widely in placements but, to my surprise, both those little does managed to get their first legs as first-of-class junior does. I was also very excited about another friend when she had three rabbits who won their classes and were on the table at the same time for the Best of Breed judging. She won both Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex of Breed in Show B. (She had brought some offspring to show from my Yanis

Brother and Sister in the Spotlight

I had entered four rabbits in a show with a quad open, the first being on Friday night. I wish I had been able to make the first show but that did not happen, however, my husband and I went on Saturday for the remaining three shows. It had to be on one of the coldest days in a building with no heat and frozen water pipes but being the rabbit show people we are, we all toughed it out that day! My dilemma was what to do with a very nice typed young doe, whose silvering is over the top. I decided to acknowledge her blessing with the name of Zeevah, which in Hebrew means "radiance, brilliance, light, brightness, light of God" and show her. I had gotten several good comments on her type before, but it surprised me that she won Best of Opposite Breed twice this past weekend and now has two intermediate legs! That is amazing to me, but her brother's record is very impressive also. Gavriel won two more Best of Breed awards. He now has six BOB legs and another leg for being first

If It Is Not Your Deal

Some years back, a Silver Fox listing on Craiglist became a topic of discussion. I remember it listing young Silver Foxes that would not have yet developed their silvering at prices that many show breeders might sell a Grand Champion. There were the cutest pictures of young bunnies in Christmas boxes, Easter baskets, teacups, or other things. Yes, this same listing was repeated throughout the seasons for a few years. Every advertisement made a point that the Silver Fox was a RARE BREED. The persons involved in our discussion about it were highly critical of the "business practices" of this unknown person because they felt whoever posted the ad was trying to profit from it being a "rare breed" and not on the quality of each rabbit, which was too young to assess. I just stayed quiet for a time.  You see, this was an attitude that I found concerning and I still hear it now and then. While I am absolutely in favor of protecting and improving the breed, I am concerned wh

The Blessing of Chaya

Just recently, in a conversation with a friend, I confessed that for most of my life, I hid my Christianity in the closet, so to speak: no stickers on my car, no jewelry other than a cross necklace once in a while, and I even toned down my talking of God so that I would not draw attention to my beliefs or offend anyone. Perhaps it was not so much to avoid offending anyone who had unresolved issues with God, but mostly, I did not want anyone to judge God by me. Then I heard God say to me: "But then you are not honoring Me." It was very convicting. In my heart, I believe that God should be honored in all my endeavors, including my rabbitry, and He is, but now I do not keep that a secret or tone it down. I wanted to share this for you to understand I try not to just honor God by praising Him for the good things that happen but asking for His guidance and following what He asks of me to do...and some of those things do not seem to make any sense by the world's standards, like