I was very surprised when I saw a listing selling four-week-old bunnies this week on Craigslist, suggesting them as Christmas gifts with a few in a Christmas decorated box. They certainly are irresistibly cute at that age! There are many thoughts on when to wean young kits from their mother's milk, which means when to separate them from their mothers also. When it comes to rabbits, we often look how rabbits do things in the wild because those instincts still drive the domesticated rabbits of all breeds. Whether the mother leaves them or they leave on their own at three to five weeks, young wild rabbits can get what they need nutritionally on their own. However, the reality is that young wild bunnies are quite vulnerable to predators who also need to eat. Many breeders wean their bunnies at four weeks and there is nothing particularly wrong with that practice when the breeder's purpose is to keep or sell to other breeders the stronger and faster growing of the kin...