There is always a beginning that really is not a "beginning," but more of a point in life when people make a decision to do something a bit different than they had been. My husband and I have always been homesteaders at heart, but due to many factors, we have not gotten to be there the way we hoped...not yet at least. Still, we had been reading some time about raising rabbits and then one day we just decided to do it. We have been breeding rabbits for our personal use of meat and furs from the winter of 2011. We started with three New Zealand Whites (NZW), one proven doe, one junior doe, and an unproven young buck, all purchased without pedigrees the day after Thanksgiving in 2010 from a breeder in Alabama that sold mostly to medical research facilities, which meant that they had to have a high standard for healthy rabbits and that was our main the beginning.
What has followed is our Tale of Tails....
What has followed is our Tale of Tails....
Our first successful kindle five days old: Buck x Doe in February 2011.