I can hardly believe it has been a month, but it has. Canyon is still leery of me, but she is also pregnant so I did not bother her more than necessary.
I had gotten about a week behind with everything because I was laid up with back pain and could not do much. Not exactly the kind of Spring Break I was looking forward to having, but the sharp muscle spasms have mercifully calmed down today and I am able to move around a bit better.
Although I was having some back pain on Sunday, I was able to get Misty Blue and Lancelot weighed and nails clipped with my daughter's help, and they were bred as I stated in my last post. I also weighed the BMB-5 kindle, but I did not get their photos updated on their page. Monday morning, the upper back pain was much worse and it stayed that way most of the week until today, even after a chiropractic adjustment on Monday. Just sitting at a computer to try to type was painful.
Obviously, I was not up to handling the rabbits much this week, but being this should be the last week of Canyon's pregnancy, I wanted to give her extra hay for nest building and open the divider to the drop nesting box. This I did on Thursday and she went to work on it immediately, even pulling some fur.
I also like to very gently palpate my does during the last week. I gently massage the sides and underneath and then just hold her to see if I can feel any movement. She is rather full and wide, so I was pretty sure there was no doubt, but I felt movements several times this week, so my excitement is building.
Canyon's due date is tomorrow, the day my family celebrates the wondrous resurrection of the Creator of all. It would be very nice to see a new kindle alive and well on that day.