I can hardly believe that XCY-3 is already three weeks old. Sunday I weighed them and set up their page on the top menu. I am particularly excited because they are in the weight ranges of my last kindle at four weeks old! I know that kits tend to be larger in general when the kindle is small, but still it is very exciting! Just looking at the size of XCY2 makes me smile.
I have been waiting impatiently for Misty Blue to kindle because I had it in my head that she was due on last Friday. Actually, her 31st day is today, but she had her last kindle on the 33rd day. I have been palpitating her for the last week and I can feel those babies. She has been more tolerant about that the last couple of days also, so I think she is feeling the time is close too. She has quite a nice nest ready and waiting, but has not pulled fur yet. She usually pulls fur just before kindling.
This is our first purebred Silver Fox in house breeding and I am hoping to see kits with that show quality I am trying to achieve. I am also a bit saddened because this will be Misty's last kindle. It would not be wise to breed her again in the fall as she will be approaching five years old then. Misty Blue is the one who made me fall in love with Silver Foxes. The blacks are stunning but it is the softer blue coloring that I love the most personally.