Breed: Silver Fox
Color: Blue
Genotype: aa B_ Ccchd dd E_ si
Color: Blue
Genotype: aa B_ Ccchd dd E_ si
Purchased from Worth It Farm in February 2014.
Best Traits:
- Excellent mother producing lots of milk
- Kindles have numbered between 5 to 9 kits with few losses.
- Well rounded hips
- Docile once securely held
- Deep blue coloring with even silvering
- Good shape
Worse Traits:
- Shy but will take greens by hand when the cage door is open most of the time
- Difficult to breed
- Chinchilla carrier
We bought our first pair of Silver Foxes from Worth It Farm, a black buck we named Romeo and this blue doe. I fell in love with the blue coloring: it reminded me of misty mornings, hence the name Misty Blue. We were meat breeding only then, producing some purebreds and some crosses with New Zealand Whites, which is how I found out that Misty Blue was carrying chinchilla. I learned a lot about color genetics from those crossings. The only rabbit I kept from her was a doe, Misty Blue Too, whom I found did not carry chinchilla and had all her mother's good traits and more.