DOB: 3/2/2014
Retired: 3/18/2018
Retired: 3/18/2018
Sr. Weight: 10 lbs. 5.5 oz.
Breed: New Zealand White
Genotype: __ __ cc_ __ __ En_
Sire: Tale of Tails' Buck
Dam: Tale of Tails' White Sugar
Dam: Tale of Tails' White Sugar
Best Traits:
- Excellent mother
- Kindles have numbered between 8 to 12 kits with few losses
- Firm body
- Sweet docile temperament
- Tolerant of bunnies that got into her cage
Worse Traits:
- Carries the broken gene, which I am trying to eliminate.
- Age
Whoops got her name because she was mis-sexed—we all hate to admit it but it happens to almost every rabbit breeder at one time or another—and I usually check and recheck a couple of weeks later but I did not that time. Still, that is not the entire story about how she got the name.
She was in with her brothers and we had let them grow out a bit past the age/size we usually do to around five months...so my husband, who already had a soft spot for her docile, sweet temperament (when we still thought the "her" was a "him"), had mentioned it might be one to keep. When he was in the process of culling that group he realized she was pregnant. A week later she kindled and was an excellent mother from the start, so we kept her.
We recently had a kindle moved out of the brooding cage into a cage still in with their mother that is next to Whoops. My husband, being thrifty, had made their joint cages a bit differently, leaving a bit of a space at the top of the built in wire hay feeders. We knew little bunnies could get into the hay feeders, but we had forgotten that we should not put bunnies in either of those two cages. Until they grew too big to squeeze through, every day a bunny or two was visiting with Whoops in her cage and she was quite sweet about it, which surprised us all, considering how territorial does can be.
She was in with her brothers and we had let them grow out a bit past the age/size we usually do to around five months...so my husband, who already had a soft spot for her docile, sweet temperament (when we still thought the "her" was a "him"), had mentioned it might be one to keep. When he was in the process of culling that group he realized she was pregnant. A week later she kindled and was an excellent mother from the start, so we kept her.
We recently had a kindle moved out of the brooding cage into a cage still in with their mother that is next to Whoops. My husband, being thrifty, had made their joint cages a bit differently, leaving a bit of a space at the top of the built in wire hay feeders. We knew little bunnies could get into the hay feeders, but we had forgotten that we should not put bunnies in either of those two cages. Until they grew too big to squeeze through, every day a bunny or two was visiting with Whoops in her cage and she was quite sweet about it, which surprised us all, considering how territorial does can be.