RESERVE IN SHOW WINNER at his very first show!
2021 Silver Fox National Show BOB Winner
29 Legs - Sire of 8 Grand Champions
29 Legs - Sire of 8 Grand Champions

Color: Black
Genotype: aa B_ Cc Dd E_ si
Genotype: aa B_ Cc Dd E_ si
Show Titles: RIS
Breed Titles: BOB x14, BOSB x9
Variety Titles: BOV x14, BOSV x9
Breed Titles: BOB x14, BOSB x9
Variety Titles: BOV x14, BOSV x9
Places: 1st x29
Legs: 29
Red Seal Registration
(Legs in bold)
Legs: 29
Red Seal Registration
(Legs in bold)
2023/05/06 - Best Senior Variety, 1st of 8 - GSFRB Specialty Cartersville GA
2023/03/05 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 5 - NWGCRC Meat Lovers Dalton GA
2023/01/01 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 6 - QCRS Hickory NC
2022/12/31 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 8 - QCRS Hickory NC
2022/12/31 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 5 - QCRS Meat Lovers Hickory NC
2022/12/31 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 6 - GSFRB Specialty Hickory NC
2022/11/19 - BOSB x3, BOSV x3, 1st of 17 x2, 1st of 16 - DRBA Jefferson GA
2022/11/19 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 8 - FURR Rare Breed Jefferson GA
2022/10/08 - BOB x3, BOV x3, 1st of 6 x3 - MSRBA Philadelphia MS
2022/12/31 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 8 - QCRS Hickory NC
2022/12/31 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 5 - QCRS Meat Lovers Hickory NC
2022/12/31 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 6 - GSFRB Specialty Hickory NC
2022/11/19 - BOSB x3, BOSV x3, 1st of 17 x2, 1st of 16 - DRBA Jefferson GA
2022/11/19 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 8 - FURR Rare Breed Jefferson GA
2022/10/08 - BOB x3, BOV x3, 1st of 6 x3 - MSRBA Philadelphia MS
2022/06/04 - BOSB, BOSV, 1st of 7 x3 -WGRC Carrollton GA
2021/11/20 - BOB x2, BOV x2, 1st of 9 x3 - DRBA Jefferson GA
2021/03/07 - Best of Best, Best Senior, BOB, BOV, 1st of 20 - GSFRB Specialty Dalton GA
2021/03/06 - Best of Best, Best Senior, BOB, BOV, 1st of 25 - NFSRC National Dalton GA
2021/03/06 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 20 - NWGCRC Dalton GA
2020/11/21 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 7 x2 - DRBA Dalton GA
2020/10/10 - BOB x2, BOV x2, 1st of 5 x3 - D6C/SSRCS Knoxville TN
2020/10/09 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 2 - SSRCS Knoxville TN
2020/10/03 - RIS, BOB, BOV, 1st of 10 -WGRC Carrollton GA
2021/03/07 - Best of Best, Best Senior, BOB, BOV, 1st of 20 - GSFRB Specialty Dalton GA
2021/03/06 - Best of Best, Best Senior, BOB, BOV, 1st of 25 - NFSRC National Dalton GA
2021/03/06 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 20 - NWGCRC Dalton GA
2020/11/21 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 7 x2 - DRBA Dalton GA
2020/10/10 - BOB x2, BOV x2, 1st of 5 x3 - D6C/SSRCS Knoxville TN
2020/10/09 - BOB, BOV, 1st of 2 - SSRCS Knoxville TN
2020/10/03 - RIS, BOB, BOV, 1st of 10 -WGRC Carrollton GA
- Good depth and width
- Long, thick fur with good texture
- Even silvering
- Fast growth and large size
- Curious and sweet personality
- Throws consistency
Yanish's sire earned my first RIS in the spring of 2020 just months before Yanish won RIS himself. His dam was given an Honorable Mention from the Best in Show judge in 2019. Yanish is out of the second breeding of this pair.
Yanish has sired 8 Grand Champions with four different does (so far): GC Tale of Tails Jaleesa, GC Tale of Tails Atarah, GC Tale of Tails Nivina, GC Tale of Tails Abria, GC Tale of Tails Tyin, GC Little Critters Tsunami, GC Tale of Tails Kitra, and GC Tale of Tails Tirza!
Yanish, meaning "gift of God" from Hebrew origins, is nearly everything I want in a Silver Fox buck as to appearance but it is his sweet loving temperament that steals my heart.
Carries white and dilute.
Carries white and dilute.