Thirty-two days ago, I acquired two rabbits, Lancelot - a double heterozygous black buck and Denim - a blue. They remained as healthy as they looked that day, so they are now out of quarantine. Since I got them from the same breeder, we had them in cages next to each other and they seem to prefer being close to each other. They are half-siblings born three weeks apart, but both seem to be highly interested in all goings-on with the other.
Now I have only one left in quarantine!
During quarantine, I keep all their things separate from the other rabbits. When we had to bring in their water bottles to thaw, we kept their water bottles separate or we washed them thoroughly. I like to try to handle my rabbits every day that I can, so my quarantined rabbits get handled last, and then I wash up. During this season, I have had seven rabbits in quarantine at differing times: three New Zealand White bucks, two Silver Fox bucks, and two Silver Fox does. I have never had to do that with so many before, but then we had not bought so many in a season before. I am glad that they were not all in quarantine at the same time because we had only eight regular cages and one brood cage when we started this season, but we have since added two more regular cages.

Now I have only one left in quarantine!
During quarantine, I keep all their things separate from the other rabbits. When we had to bring in their water bottles to thaw, we kept their water bottles separate or we washed them thoroughly. I like to try to handle my rabbits every day that I can, so my quarantined rabbits get handled last, and then I wash up. During this season, I have had seven rabbits in quarantine at differing times: three New Zealand White bucks, two Silver Fox bucks, and two Silver Fox does. I have never had to do that with so many before, but then we had not bought so many in a season before. I am glad that they were not all in quarantine at the same time because we had only eight regular cages and one brood cage when we started this season, but we have since added two more regular cages.
We originally only planned to keep one of the NZW bucks, and we are currently down to that one. His brother went to a woman who lost her buck and a doe to a raccoon. The other unrelated younger buck NZW-A, along with the very sweet and docile BGG2 doe, went to a lady who is starting back into raising rabbits for meat because of her numerous and severe food allergies. She really wanted a breeding age doe, but she was interested in the BGG2, even though she was far too young because of her temperament. The new owner was very pleased with how docile the doe was since she had had some mean rabbits in the past.
I am now not planning to keep the remaining NZW buck, even though I did not see any brokens, which was my original goal, because we should be able to do the next breeding with Comet, one of the SF bucks. He may be a bit young but that may not matter. Unless Whoops took when I bred her last week with NZW-A before giving him up, I may only have one senior doe that can produce, Golden Girl, until the end of February when one of my junior SF may be ready.