I went into the rabbitry with my focus on the XCY-3 kindle, but when I turned around, there was fur all over Misty Blue's cage and she was still pulling! In all these years, I have only caught two does kindling and she was not one of them. I was certain that she does not pull fur until beginning labor but today I witnessed it!

So, I proceeded to feed the rabbits and while Misty Blue was birthing her babies inside the nesting box hutch side of the kindling suite, I played with the XCY bunnies. They are so much fun! The other thing I am very happy about is that Canyon, their mother, who was so fearful of me since coming here from Silver Lox, has been very relax about letting me pet her and play with her bunnies! They still like to lick me a lot and are just too much fun watching them zip around the cage.
When Misty Blue hopped out, I checked to find only three kits not covered with about a day or two growth of fur on them all. Misty was a little annoyed with me, I think, because she was not done cleaning up. I saw a placenta still in the nest, so I backed away from the nesting box and went inside for about an hour. When I came back out, Misty Blue was relaxing and the placenta was gone as well as the hay with blood on it. The sleeping kits had been fed and well covered. Misty Blue has always been an excellent mama.
I know one is Black, and I am pretty sure one is Blue, and I thought the third was Chocolate because of the photograph, but it looks more Blue in sunlight. In a few more days I will know for sure. I have only had Black and Blue Silver Foxes since we have had them, so I have not had my own eyes on the color differences, but as much as I really hoped one would be Lilac, I think I did not get one with this breeding.
My goals with this breeding were to:
- change Lancelot's status to proven - DONE!
- test Misty Blue to see if she carries Chocolate - No proof.
- a Lilac kit - No.
Overall, though, this is the kind of day that makes a rabbit keeper smile!