I keep in touch with Hannah at Renaissance Farmstead; I just love the two rabbits I got from her! Lancelot is a very nice size and just looks like I think a Silver Fox should although his silvering has not yet fully come in and he looks a bit light in most areas yet. I have no plans to show him, but if I was going to show, I would pick him and take his half-sister, Denim, for comments. She has the most luscious fur, even now while she is molting, it is impressively thick, but I am wondering if it so thick and wool-like that it would be a disqualification for showing—I still love it nonetheless. Hannah has high standards in her breeding program and a good eye for buying rabbits. I would buy more from her, but that would make three closely related and I plan to only have six or maybe seven breeders.
I also had been looking for a rabbitry on Black Ivy's pedigree, but Hannah found out the name had been changed. I had contacted Beth at Silver Lox Rabbitry (previously High Rock) to feel things out a just a couple of weeks ago, but I was not ready to commit to buying another rabbit at the time, as I was still hopeful about Black Ivy. However, having another doe breeding age and proven is probably the smarter move.
I have to consider that Black Ivy may not be a keeper. When we talked earlier, Beth had not decided to sell her proven Blue Silver Fox doe carrying White, but now that she has, I had that to consider as well.
Hannah did not want that doe, but told me about her. She plans to pick up a buck from Silver Lox this week. I asked if I could meet up at that same time as I plan to buy the Blue SF doe carrying White.
Beth shows and has had Grand Champions in her Silver Fox line and her Cinnamon line also. So, I would think her rabbits are better quality. The doe is Blue so cannot be shown, as only Black are acceptable at this time, but Beth had taken her for comments and they were good. The Blue SF doe is about two years old, which not only means I can breed her immediately, but that she will fill in between my old/retiring does and my youngest doe coming into breeding age just before summer, so there is less pressure about when or whether Black Ivy's hindquarters fill in or not. I also have the option of having this doe bred before I pick her up, which I am considering and I have to make a decision soon.