I weighed the BMB-5 bunnies yesterday. They had gained an average of 42% this week which is more than the 35.7% that the previous kindle BGG-4 gain in their 5th week of age. I fed both kindles the same pellets and hay but for the second group I added some Calf Manna and Black Oil Sunflower Seeds not only to them but to their mother's feed as well. I started that when they were about a week old.
They are all doing well, even BMB4, who injured a toe as discovered last week during weighing. She favors it some now and it looks bad, but it is not infected. I take a good look at the toe every day and put salve on it. She handles pretty well.
I clipped their nails today, a first time for them. The one that handled the best has been the Chinchilla BMB1. He comes to the cage door to greet me often. He is still the smallest, but also still the cutest.
The largest is BMB5, the black with Silver Fox fur. His size and steady weight gain has been impressive! He was 6.3 oz. over the mean weight for the kindle, which is 16.7% above the mean weight.