Have I mentioned how much I love the bunny weighing days? Probably have and probably will again. But, what is not to like? Every weighing day is quite important to see how the bunnies are progressing but I think the first one is the most exciting!
BMB-5 is a fun kindle because I really do not need to mark any bunny's ears to know which one is which, but I decided to mark BMB4 and BMB5 because although one had normal fur and the other Silver Fox, both are solid black. I have noticed with prior kindles that at first, it is very easy to tell the difference and then when the bunny fur comes in completely, the difference is not as identifiable, unless they are together. When they get to be a little older, the different can be seen at a glance again.
So I began their page at BMB-5 Bunnies.
I really like the size of BMB5, the Black with SF fur! He is a monster with a full ounce more than the next to largest and 2.5 ounces more than the smallest, which currently is my favored Chinchilla.