I have two SF purebred bucks that are three weeks apart in age. The breeder of Comet, SH, asked me about his weight, as his sister just won Best of Opposite Sex, but his brother was given comments of being small. She hoped that Comet was closer to his sister in size.
When we first compared the brothers that SH was offering, both born on August 22, 2017, they were about eight weeks old and close to the same size, but I felt Comet was just slightly larger. I also saw some signs of pinched hips, which are common at that age, but I was happy to take him. At the time, I was not as picky for SF buck and his hips still look a bit pinched to me, but I am happy with the purchase. Comet's cage is close to the gate, so he always comes over and follows me. I have handled him a lot, so he is kind of my little teddy bear.
Lancelot was born on September 11, 2017. His cage was on the other end of our rabbitry as I had not moved him since we got him, even though he is out of quarantine, but I will be moving him probably next to Comet eventually.
I did not really think about their sizes much because I did not handle the bucks one after the other, but I had begun to notice that Comet felt and looked like the smaller of the two even though he is the older one. So, when SH brought the question about his weight, I decided to weigh both boys to see the comparison. Obviously, Comet cooperated more with posing that Lancelot.
There is a significant 14-ounce difference between the two, which surprised me that it was so close to a pound. However, I have learned that it is not what size they are so much as what they throw. (I mean, I have a 6'3" cousin whose parents are both 5'5" and under. My aunt once bred her mare to a smaller horse hoping for a smaller horse for herself and he turned out to be a hand and half taller than his mother, who was large to begin with.) Rabbit genetics are quite diverse, not just with fur colors but other things as well.
Comet is next up for breeding, so then I will see what he throws with Golden Girl, my smallest but proven doe, who accepts breeding readily.